- Alanine or amino acids - The building blocks of protein in all animals and plant. Make sure they are plant derived.
- Albumen/albumin - Found in eggs, milk, muscles, blood, and many vegetable tissues and fluids.
- Ambergris - From whale intestines.
- Aminosuccinate Acid, Aspartic Acid - Can be animal or plant source.
- Arachidyl Proprianate - A wax that can be from animal fat.
- Artificial colour, FD&C Food colour - Derived frm coal tar. Can contain trace amounts of arsenic.
- Beta Carotene, Provitamin A - A pigment found in many animal tissues and in all plants.
- Bone Meal - Crushed or ground animal bones.
- Butylated Hhydroxyanisole (BHA) - Can cause Cancer, birth defects, and infertility.
- Carmine, cochineal - Red pigment from the crushed female cochineal insect.
- Casein - Milk protein found in dairy products, as well as 'non dairy' creamers and soy cheese.
- Cysteine - An animo acid found in urine and horsehair.
- Duodenum Substances - From the digestive tracts of cows and pigs.
- Fatty Acids - Caprylic, lauric, myristic oleic, palmitic, stearic.
- Fish Live oil - Used in vitamins, supplements, and milk fortified with vitamin D.
- Gelatin, gel - Protein obtained by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments and or bones with water.
- Glycerin, glycerol - Normally uses animal fat.
- Isinglass - A form of gelatin prepared from the internal membranes of fish bladders.
- Lactic acid - Found in blood and muscle tissue. Also in sour milk, beer and other products made from bacterial fermentation.
- Lactose - Milk sugar from milk of mammals.
- Lard - Fat from hog abdomens.
- Lipase - Enzyme from the stomach and tongue glands of calves, baby goats, and lambs.
- Lipoids, lipids - Fat found in animals and plants.
- Marine oil - From fish or marine animals.
- Methionine - Protein usually found in egg albumen and casein.
- Mono (glyceroides) - From animal fat.
- Monosodium glutamate - Flavor enhancer blamed for reproductive, nervous system and brain disorders.
- Myristal, ether sulfate - Organic acid in most animal and vegetable fats.
- Natural sources - Can mean animal or vegetable sources.
- Nitrales - Potentially deadly, carcinogenic preservatives.
- Nucleic acids - In the nucleus of all living cells.
- Oleic acids - Obtained from various animal and vegetable fats and oils.
- Olestra - A fat substitute.
- Panthenol - Can come from animal.
- Pepsin - In hog's stomachs. A clotting agent.
- Polysorbates - Derivatives of fatty acids.
- Potassium bisulfite, sulfur dioxide - Used as antioxidant in cheese, processed meats.
- Potassium bromate - Can cause cancer and kidney and nervous system disorders.
- Rapeseed oil - Emulsifier found in dairy products and processed meats. Can cause cancer, heart disease and vision loss.
- Rennet, rennin - Enzyme found in calves stomachs.
- Saccharine - Artificial sweetener.
- Stearic acid - Fat from cows and sheep and from dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters.
- Tallow - Rendered beef fat.
- Urea - Excreted from urine and other bodily fluids. (Found in pretzels)
- Vitamin A/ B-12 - Can come from animal products or bacteria cultures.
- Whey - A derivative of milk.
- Transfatty acids
- Caffeine
Since my own copy of 'Skinny Bitch' with the definitions of what these foods are can't be collected till tomorrow I can't explain what they are.. But just know they are 'bad' trust 'Skinny Bitch' I do!
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